Our story
LadyGuns began in 2012 as a lady’s night sporting-clays meet-up and a Facebook page. We got together once a week to shoot, learn, laugh and have FUN!
We noticed that there were plenty of programs available to get ladies out for their first experience with shooting sports but after the initial introduction, there was not much to help foster the spark and engage fun, active participation. Ladies wanted someone who would go shooting with them, help guide them through the process of improving, growing their comfort levels, getting their PAL, Purchasing their first firearm and beyond.
LadyGuns seeks to empower women in the shooting sports industry while creating an inclusive and supportive community for women by women.
Photo: 2022 CCFR Gunnie Girl Photoshoot (@ccfr_ccdaf). Photographer: Shaun Arntsen (@lod_gallery) Second: Bryan Stock
Empowering women and youth to be their best self
The Ladyguns

Denean Tomlin
Denean is a level 1 NSCA shooting instructor, sponsored shooter, brand ambassador, gun dog trainer, hunter and mentor.
She is a huge advocate for women and youth in shooting sports and she has been interviewed by local media and produced and published related articles.
If there is a field to plate opportunity, Denean can be found in the kitchen making wild game taste delicious.
She has a son, a bird dog and a pick up truck full of gear, that are always on the road seeking outdoor adventure with friends and family.
Using the LadyGun moniker, Denean has travelled the US and UK, participating at shooting, hunting and industry events.

Kacie Gavinchuk
Kacie began her love of all things shooting and hunting in 2011 when her boyfriend (now husband) took her out to their local sporting clays range for a date. One exploded clay later and she was hooked!
Kacie was one of the first women to complete the NSCA level 1 instructor course in Canada and loves to introduce other women to the sport. She has written several articles and videos on the subject of shooting sports.
She is committed to getting as many women and youth into shooting sports and in being a strong advocate for the industry as a whole.
Kacie lives with her husband, young daughter and their Springer Spaniel and loves getting out to shoot with her friends and family.
The first Ladyguns connection
Kacie and Denean met when on a double date at their local sporting clays range. It continued as an interest and a hobby as they went out as often as possible to shoot, have fun and shop for guns and gear. Their love of the sport continued as they both started competing throughout Western Canada and the United States.
They noticed that there were no lady instructors, even though the number of women at their club was growing, so Denean and Kacie decided to step up, take the course and get certified. Who else would understand the “boobs and bra straps” dilemma but other women? They became the first women NSCA level 1 instructors in Canada.
Following that adventure, the two LadyGuns added to their interests and pursued pistol shooting. They completed a Black Badge course, passed the test and competed against each other in their first IPSC competition.
Lots of rounds down range, clays in the air, and brass underfoot have brought these two ladies to the next adventure. A creation of an inclusive and supportive ladies shooting, hunting and outdoor community in Canada. Built with a vision to unite all of the amazing women who are pursuing the love of these hobbies and sports into one community and to change the face of the industry.