She Shoots – Episode 6: Boots, Chaps & Cowboy Hats
Join us for Episode 6 of our new Podcast with Canadian University Shooting Federation Women’s Program, Project Mapleseed and Ladyguns!
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SHE SHOOTS – Episode 6: Boots, Chaps & Cowboy Hats
This month, we talk to Sarah Hisson; a Cowboy Action competitive shooter. We’ll talk about how she started, how she trains, her experiences and successes.
Guest Speaker:
Sarah Hisson
Sarah did not ever think I would be in the shooting sports. She didn’t grow up around firearms and only got her license for working in museums.
She started shooting in 2012 when her husband, Mike, bought his first rifle. After getting comfortable with rifles, they moved onto handguns, before starting competitive shooting in 2015. That year she first started shooting cowboy. Mike had suggested it to her since it incorporated competition and her love of history. she tried it once, and was hooked!! She shot every match she could before having to take a break to have her daughter and son. But she is hoping to get out to a match again this year!
The past few years she has been able to dabble in IDPA and ICORE to keep herself active in the shooting community. It’s something she really enjoys, and appreciates the fact that she can bring my family to the range so they can be involved too!
SHE SHOOTS is a podcast for women in the shooting community and for those interested in learning more about it. It is hosted by women who shoot, hunt, and instruct and most importantly share a passion for introducing new ladies to the sport.
Coming to you on the second Tuesday of every month, the objective of SHE SHOOTS is to showcase various activities in the shooting sports and highlight the people who participate. We hope this will help you find something you are interested in learning more about and various ways to get involved.
Did you know the shooting community proudly boasts over 250,000 licensed women who participate across Canada? This sport has something for everyone and it’s easy to get out and give it a try.
Join us every month when we host SHE SHOOTS on a variety of social media platforms. This exciting collaboration is brought to you by the Canadian University Shooting Federation, Project Mapleseed and LadyGuns.